Hey guys and gals. How’s it been going? Good? Great! Glad to hear it!
So we’ve got some stuff coming down the line here that we wanted to make you aware of. Our 4th arc, Tengu Dreams is wrapping up next week and then what we were going to do was a little Christmas arc through December. Something that was supposed to be easy for me to do, and still fulfill our dedication to updating every week. But well…We’re still doing that, it’s just going to be in January instead. Partly because it wasn’t as easy as I’d anticipated for me to do.
We had the idea to do something festive a few months back and ran with it and while the final product isn’t what we had planned originally (we’re probably still going to use that story, just later.) I still think it’s pretty great. We’ve essentially made a little 5 page Christmas book. Think books like “T’was the Night Before Christmas” but set in Japan and all in haiku. I’ve had a blast drawing it and I hope you guys like it. We were going to run it in December, but it wound up being set AFTER the next arc instead of having nothing to do with it, so instead you’re going to get a bit of Christmas in February. I actually really like that we decided to connect it to the story instead. It’s a nice way of doing a “sometime later” style time-jump without actually missing out on anything.
I’m planning something cool for January to celebrate our 1 year anniversary, so keep your eyes peeled for that. It’ll likely involve social media somehow because duh.
Then in March we’re taking another month off so I can build up some more buffer. But because we’re bad at taking time off, we’ll very likely have another little two page story featuring our Merchant as well as behind the scenes stuff for the past couple arcs. Someone asked me awhile back what my “process” was like, so I think it’ll be cool to show you guys that.
Also, anything that isn’t the Merchant comic will be a blog post. I don’t really like how the other interludes come up in the comic, I think it disrupts the flow of everything, so all of that’s going to be fixed/backdated eventually.
Anywhoodle, that’s all I’ve got. Just wanted to pop in and let you know that James and I aren’t both dead and the comic isn’t just being updated automatically by an iMac that’s gained sentience. We hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving and that you’ll have a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Festivus, X-Mas, Decemberween, or whatever it is you may celebrate!